
Video is Now!

24-09-2024 15:00 Europe/Copenhagen

Video is Now!

And it has been like that for uQualio since we started the work with our video learning platform. Partnering up with TwentyThree is a logical step in our video journey. 

Meet Hatla Johnsen, CEO and co-founder of uQualio, and Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, CEO and co-founder of TwentyThree - the world’s first all-in-one video marketing platform, in a talk about video, video for learning, why “Video is Now!” and the future of video, including AI for video and why you may get big tech out of your videos.

Hatla Johnsen

CEO and co-founder, uQualio video4learning

Hatla has a master’s in social science from Roskilde University in Business & Psychology and 20+ years’ experience with business development, strategy, and communication and believes that video is effective for learning. Stands up for startups and female tech founders on any occasion.

Thomas Madsen-Mygdal

CEO & co-founder, TwentyThree

As a digital pioneer who’s been founding internet companies for 28 years, Thomas helps organisations and companies thrive in a video-first world.

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